The Candlelight Ceremony is a special tradition at the Vietnam Women’s Memorial. At this very precious time, men and women gathered to reflect on the special meaning of the memorial to them, their friends and families. Jake Singer, Vietnam veteran and a member of the Navajo Nation, opened with a Pipe Ceremony to honor the Memorial.

Dr. Sandra Lockney Davis (Special Services Vietnam ’67-’68), Suzanne Fortune (American Red Cross, ’70-’71), and Kay Bauer (US Navy, ’66-’67) offered reflections. Col (Ret) Pat Gorman, USA (Vietnam ’67-’68) spoke eloquently about what the Memorial means to her.

A special friend of the Memorial, the late Rod McBrien, wrote a song to honor the women who served, “Light a Candle, Say A Prayer,” which was beautifully presented by actress and singer Kera O’Bryon. Kera sang “Sleep Well My Sisters,” also written by Rod McBrien.
Poetry has been an extraordinary avenue of expression for the women and men who served and endured in Vietnam. Jane Carson (’69-’70) read a poem by Maude Smith, Chief Nurse at the hospital where an Army Nurse was killed by hostile fire, “Yes, I am Sharon Lane, Do you Remember Me?”
John Sommer (’68) read a poem by Darrell Nichols, a Vietnam Veteran, “Angels of Vietnam.” Following a Moment of Silence to honor our Sisters, Christopher Jackson offered a bagpipe rendition of “Amazing Grace.” Mark Elrod (’70-’71) closed with Taps.